Or a confused Soul searching for true purpose and meaning in your life?
Have you always felt like there is something missing from your life? That despite the good job, the great relationship, the holidays abroad or the dream house, your life never truly feels fulfilled?
Or maybe you move from job to job, career to career, searching for a role that will finally satisfy your thirst?
Do you find it hard to fit in with your family and friends? Or feel like you have to ‘be’ someone you are not in order to fit in, feel safe, secure and loved?
Maybe you feel like you have yet to discover your role in life and every day that passes seems to bring a greater sense of urgency to find it. Like an invisible timer ticking loudly in your ear?
Maybe you notice repeating numbers like “11.11”, 444, 77, or 33? You look at the time, the registration of the car in front or the seat number on your train ticket and find that the same numbers seem to be following you everywhere you go?
Maybe you are the person everyone calls in a crisis, the person sure to be able to ‘fix’ whatever the latest problem is.
Or you feel like a giant magnet, constantly attracting people who feel it’s perfectly fine to dump their crap on you and leave.
Maybe you find it difficult to feel ‘at home’ no matter where you are, almost like you don’t belong here?
And maybe now you’re wondering how all these questions relate to being a Starseed, a Lightworker, an Indigo, an Old Soul, an Empath or an Energy Healer?
If you are reading this and you have answered yes to any (or all!) of the above, then you are indeed here on a very special mission and will soon discover that within you lies a power, that once unlocked will not only allow you to heal and transform your own life, but the lives of many others. Even if you have not answered yes to any of these questions, read on because there is a part of you that does not want you to hear what I am about to tell you or discover your true magnificent Divine origins.
It is no coincidence that you are reading this now for as you will learn, there is no such thing as coincidence in the Universe. Our lives are governed by Spiritual Laws that ensure everything happens in perfect timing, at exactly the right moment. And the very fact that you are here – now, in this very moment – wondering if you are in fact a Starseed, Indigo, Lightworker, Empath or Old Soul has happened by Divine timing too.
As we explore the reasons why you most definitely are a magnificent being with immense powerful potential, the first thing you will most likely hear is your inner critic – your negative ego who is probably telling you right now as you read this that you are not a Starseed, Indigo, Lightworker, Empath or Old Soul, and your mission or purpose in life is by no means special.
I am here to tell you that you are special! Everyone is special. But for those of us who are Starseeds, Indigos, Lightworkers, Empaths and Old Souls – or feel intrigued by the feeling the sound of these terms create in you, your mission and purpose is one of great importance and has been many many lifetimes and eons in the making. Every cell in your body and fibre of your DNA is encoded with the wisdom, knowledge and Light Codes to heal and transcend the struggles of life and assist humanity at this time of great change and awakening.
And make no mistake about it, the energy and potential that exists within your Old Soul holds incredible power that is needed on the planet now as we individually and collectively attempt to navigate the changes that are happening all around us.
What is a Starseed, Lightworker, Old Soul, Indigo or Empath?
Labels often separate us but in truth, we are the same. Each of us is an aspect of One, a part of the Source of everything and all life itself. Some call it God, Spirit, the Higher Power while others have no words to describe it other than the knowing within that there is something greater at play.
Learn from The Lessons of Life
Most Spiritual Healers, Energy Healers, Light Workers and Starseeds (whichever term you have come across to describe a person who works with energy), tend to be the people who put everyone else’s needs before their own. Constantly giving and giving to others often at the cost of their own health and wellbeing.
That was me before I learned a method of Energy Healing called Reiki. Always putting the needs of others before mine and totally neglecting my own. I was sometimes envious that my friends or colleagues seemed to bear much less responsibility for others than me. Why did I always have to be the good samaritan, going above and beyond for everyone but myself?
I often felt frustrated, rarely letting others know how I felt. On occasions, my emotions would get the better of me, and I’d angrily remind those who demanded more that I am only human, only to be filled with intense feelings of guilt for this outburst and apparent insensitivity.
So I continued my life like a ‘Swan’ – gracefully moving through life with ease on the surface to all who could see but desperately struggling to stay afloat underneath.
All the time feeling like I was paddling furiously but going nowhere.
A swan happens to look like the number ‘2’ which ‘coincidentally’ forms part of my Numerology ‘Life Path Number’ – meaning a large part of my spiritual mission here is to bring balance to myself and others.
Numerology is the language of the universe, helping us to better understand ourselves as individuals and our purpose in life.
Before I discovered my true life purpose and began my spiritual development, I kept seeing repeating numbers like 11.11, 111, 222, 333 -everywhere! Unaware that The Universe was eagerly trying to get my attention, I ignored it until my curiosity led me to look into its meaning.
Repeating numbers are usually seen when a person is ready to wake up to and embrace their life purpose.
Many healers and spiritual teachers see 11.11 when they’re ready to go to a higher level of consciousness. For me 1111 was everywhere – every time I looked at the clock, at my car odometer, in my emails, online – it seemed to be everywhere I turned.
And for good reason.
I discovered I had a Master Number 11 Lifepath meaning part of my soul mission here on Earth is to be a source of light and inspiration to others – a ‘Spiritual Messenger’ – a fact I was unaware of but perhaps subconsciously seeking until I started my own Spiritual Healing journey.
While our Life Path number only forms about 25% of our numerology chart, it can help spiritual seekers like you and me uncover the basics of our ‘spiritual job description’.
You can calculate your life path number by adding the numbers in your full date of birth and reducing them to a single digit. There are certain exceptions to this. If the sum total adds to a ‘Master Number’ – 11, 22, 33, 44 – then the life path number has two energetic vibrations. For example, I was born November 21st, 1986. 2+1+1+1+1+9+8+6 = 29, and 2+9 = 11. That makes both an 11 Lifepath and a 2 Lifepath, since 1+1 = 2.
For a description of what each single digit Lifepath number signifies, check out this article where you will find out all you need to know. For those of you that have a Master Number Lifepath, I have created a separate article which you can find here. One thing to note is that a Master Number Lifepath does not equate to being better or more superior to its single digit counterparts. And as mentioned above, it is important to look at the single digit description of your Master Number when reduced, to get a thorough understanding of your Lifepath number.
Awareness is the first step
As I continued to ‘exist’ and do my best to keep my head above water, I was oblivious to the fact that my mental health, my physical health, my relationships with others and my own happiness were suffering as a result of the high demands placed on me by myself and others.
If you keep taking water from a bucket without replenishing it, it will eventually empty. Our energy is no different.
If we are constantly giving to others, the vital life force energy within us becomes depleted.
Albert Einstein tells us that ‘Everything is energy’. And everything has a vibration or frequency – Sound, light, colour, words, people – everything!
Einstein also discovered that our energy frequency matches what is happening in our reality.
When we give too much focus to our problems and the problems of others, we lower our energy and begin to vibrate at a lower frequency.
In other words, we actually attract more of what is responsible for draining our energy in the first place!
But we do have the power to change our vibrational frequency!
Once we determine our own internal frequency or how we ‘feel’ most of the time, we can work to change it. We can then attract things into our lives to match this vibration.
You may have heard of the book ‘The Secret’ based on the Law of Attraction? This is exactly the same premise – we attract more of whatever vibration we are in.
You must begin to think and feel happy if you are to bring more happiness into your life.
For as Einstein reminds us, “match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality”.
But that is easier said than done. The process of change takes time but awareness is a catalyst for change.
So take a moment now to look at this emotional frequency chart and determine your own energetic frequency at this moment in life.
Our ultimate desire in life is to reach the top and live in a constant state of Love, Peace and Joy. Our emotional vibration is rarely static and we move up and down the scale through our lives and even throughout our day!
Our emotions tend to be affected by external influences in our lives – other people, situations, life events etc.
However, we can learn how to remain in a high vibrational state despite what is happening in our surroundings through Spiritual Healing.
In reality, we trap ourselves in the lower energetic vibrations, fearful or asleep to the fact that we can overcome these limitations through self healing.
Think of it like a radio. If it is out of tune, all we can hear is white noise. When we change the frequency, we can tune into the different stations and sounds being transmitted over the wavelengths.
So by tuning the radio, we can choose the station that best matches our desired frequency – because we will always match the vibration of that which surrounds us.
Cue that favourite song that is always sure to lift your darkest of moods!
Wherever you feel you are on the emotional frequency scale right now is perfectly fine.
Awareness is the first step in change.
Like every other person in the world, the power to reach the top lies unawakened within you.
Know that you are a beacon of light, a truly magnificent soul who has come to this planet on a very important mission –
To heal your life so that you may help others heal their lives too.
Awaken to your full potential
While it may sound strange now, it was all meant to happen this way. We actually chose every struggle and hardship we would encounter in life before we were even born.
Agreeing to experience these difficulties so we could learn from the lessons of life, overcome the traumas of our past and ultimately heal our lives as a result.
And once we achieve this inner healing and transcend the emotional wounds of our past, we can use our experiences to develop empathy and bring healing to the lives of many others.
When we awaken to the enormous potential this healing and empathy brings, we gain the wisdom we need to begin our mission as a Spiritual Healer.
This in turn enables us to become Masters of our Destiny. To live the life we subconsciously crave and attract an abundance of love, wealth (financially and spiritually) and joy into our lives.
Maybe you are still confused if you are in fact on a soul mission to heal yourself and the lives of others.
And if this is the case, rest assured that this apparent sense of confusion is normal and is actually instrumental in helping you awaken your full potential.
To step into your soul mission work as an Energy Healer, Light Worker, Starseed, Indigo Child (which all mean that you are on a spiritual mission of healing) – you must first believe that you do have special healing abilities within you.
In fact, every single person does but not everyone will choose to awaken its full power and capabilities.
Your ego, who is often your worst inner critic, will try to prevent you from pursuing your spiritual healing path.
Even as you read this, it may even try to convince you into believing that you are not a Spiritual Healer.
Ignore these attempts to keep you trapped in lower vibrations. For all you need to know is that you have found the missing piece to that puzzle that has prevented you from living the life you were meant to live.
And know that you have nothing to fear, for as you embark on your journey, you are safe, loved and Divinely guided.
I too was held back by fear. Fearful to step into my spiritual healing abilities, scared of the responsibility a title like ‘Healer’ brings. Fearful of what other people may think of me if I told them I was an Energy Healer.
In fact, I read lots of articles like this, availed of lots of different types of healing myself and was even urged many times by other Healers to begin using my power. Only to give in to my inner critic along the way and remain stuck in a web of negativity.
In some ways, I guess I had always been a type of ‘Energy Worker’ throughout my career as a Nurse, not knowing then that I could be of even more service to others if I believed in myself and my abilities.
But light is far more powerful than dark and when I finally ignored my ego and ‘awakened’ the power self-healing brings, I began my journey of inner discovery and Spiritual Healing which continues to this day.
For it is the journey rather than the destination that serves us best.
I won’t say it was easy by any means. To fully understand the inner workings of your being, you must examine yourself openly, without judgement. But with complete truth and honesty.
And it does require dedication and commitment on your part.
However, you are worth the effort and let me assure you that when you vow to heal the wounds of your past and step into the endless possibilities of your present and future, The Universe will have your back every step of the way and bring all your dreams and wishes into reality.
Trust Your Intuition
We have spiritual guidance available to us at every moment of our lives. Each of us has a Guardian Angel, a team of Spirit Guides, ancestors and Beings of Light who often use various methods to communicate with us in ways that we find easy to understand.
Numbers are one such method, each number having a unique vibration. Numerology offers us invaluable insight into our life and purpose – Your name, your date of birth and even the house number or place you live reveal a lot about your Soul mission here on Earth.
There are many fantastic free online resources you can avail of to help you decode the messages you receive from The Universe and you can check out the basics of numerology to get you started here.
When I say ‘The Universe’, I mean the Source of all Energy, God, Infinite Light, Higher Power, Spirit or whichever term you feel most comfortable using.
There are many energetic influences in our Solar System and Universe as we know it but everything and everyone originates from one infinite Source.
The Universe may put people and situations on our path to help us with our journey. Family, friends, colleagues and even Guides that we cannot see through our human sense of sight. In fact, many of these were chosen by you on a Soul level before you were even born!
Often times, we may be guided to situations that will help us move into higher levels of awareness or consciousness. That friend who contacts you out of the blue to attend an event where you encounter something that helps your soul’s growth.
The article or advert you see on the newspaper which instantly catches you eye. Or that random song that you haven’t heard in years that pops into your head.
These are all ways that our Guides use to grab our attention and attempt to communicate with us in ways we can understand.
Try to be more aware of signs like this and trust that they did not happen by coincidence. Thank The Universe for its guidance and then take some time to reflect on why they are attempting to grab your attention or what it is they are trying to alert you too.
Trust that you are being assisted for your highest good.
For example, songs can remind us sad or unhappy events of the past. Music is energy and sound has a vibration. A song or the words to a song can often bring past memories or emotional difficulties to the surface.
Pay attention to emotions that may be triggered by a particular song. Reflect on why it makes you feel emotional – perhaps it is associated with a time when you were in a lower density emotion such as grief, fear or guilt.
The Universe may be reminding you that these lower vibration emotions have not yet been fully healed and released from your energy field.
You have the power to heal emotional issues from your past and clear them from your energy field permanently.
Simple Techniques for Self Healing
The first step in healing is awareness. Acknowledge the memory or emotion and pause to reflect on the situation – why have you not dealt with this situation fully yet? Do you need to forgive someone? Do you have feelings of guilt about a situation? Do you need to forgive yourself? Are you fearful of letting go of something or someone?
If you feel you are ready to free yourself from whatever the situation, person or thing is, Say to yourself or out loud “I have learned all I can from this situation and I am now ready to release it fully from my entire being”
You can ask your Guardian Angel, your Guides, God, or whoever you wish to assist you if you feel it necessary.
Send Love and Healing energy to yourself, the situation and anyone else involved.
Breathe… Visualise the energy rising from your lower abdomen, travelling all the way up to your lungs. And as you exhale, feel the old emotion leaving your body.
As you breath in, imagine a golden ball of light and energy, as bright as the sun, entering through your nose and travelling all the way down to your lower abdomen.
Believe and know that you have healed the wound the experience has left.
Like scars on our body, we may never be able to remove the memory of the event but we can choose to overcome the emotional power it holds over us.
Forgiveness is also very important in healing, especially if it involves forgiving yourself, a situation or someone else.
Holding on to anger or refusing to forgive ourselves or others traps us in lower density vibrations and can be detrimental to our wellbeing. Practicing forgiveness is an essential part of learning to become an Energy Healer.
“Forgiveness sets us free”
Louise Hay, an inspirational healer and author of ‘You can heal your life, reminds us that “we do not have to know how to forgive, just be willing to forgive”. The Universe will respond to our request accordingly.
A simple yet effective method you can use is as follows:
Firstly, be genuinely open to forgive from your heart.
Visualise the person you wish to forgive in your minds eye. Allow the image of them to enlarge and come close to you.
Say to yourself or out loud “Thank you for helping me understand myself better. I have learned all I can from this situation. I forgive you (or person’s name) and I release you with Love. Now I am free and you are free. Then allow the person’s image to gradually disappear..
You can repeat the process for as many people as you need to and even use it to forgive yourself.
Personally, I have found forgiving myself and forgiving others to be the most instrumental aspect of my healing journey and a process I would encourage every single person to practice.
It will help accelerate your learning to become a Spiritual Healer immensely.
The Universe is always reminding us that we have the power, courage and determination to forgive and heal past traumas.
Ask and You Shall Receive!
Once you open yourself to allow more Divine guidance into your life, it will always steer you in the right direction.
For example, when I began searching for ways I could help others through Energy Healing, I found many different methods and practices I could learn.
The volume of courses and teachers was somewhat overwhelming and I felt confused about what or who I should choose.
I have always had an interest in Reiki (what is Reiki link), having experienced its wonderful healing power as an adolescent. There were many courses and teachers to choose from.
So I asked The Universe to guide me and help me choose whatever would help me and others best.
A few days later, I was casually scrolling through Facebook and saw a Reiki Training course commencing the following month close to where I lived. I instantly had a good feeling about it, my intuition confirming that this course is meant for me.
But when I read the details, I received even further confirmation that The Universe had responded to my request for help and was guiding me on my path to becoming an Energy Healer.
The Reiki Master teaching the course happened to be a lady I encountered some years back by chance in my nursing career. She actually lived outside my remit in my community nursing area but helping another colleague, I decided to see this lady myself.
I had no idea she was an Energy Healer but I distinctly remember having a very soulful connection and a feeling of familiarity when we first met all them years ago.
So much so, that to accommodate both her work schedule and my travel time to visit her, I invited her to complete our future appointments in my own house – something I had never done or have ever done since!
So learn to trust your intuition, your inner guidance system, and know that once you ask The Universe for help, it will always respond to your request.
Then be open to receiving the guidance, taking special note of ‘coincidences’ as they occur for nothing is by chance in life.
The Path of Healing
When I enrolled in my Reiki Level 1 course, I finally began to feel like I had uncovered my true purpose in life.
What followed was an enlightening journey of self discovery and inner healing that allowed me to give meaning and understanding to my life in a way I had never experienced before.
Before Reiki or any type of energy healing can be used on others, it must first be used to heal yourself.
If the pipe that supplies your home with fresh water is blocked or contaminated, it will affect the flow and quality of the water you receive.
The same is true for Energy Healing. We must ensure our vessel is clear before we can channel energy to others.
When you choose the path of Reiki, every student undergoes an ‘attunement’ to Reiki energy – similar to the story above of tuning a radio to a certain frequency to receive sound.
Once attuned to the frequency, the student undergoes a 21 day ‘spiritual detox’ to align with the Reiki energy.
Like the Emotional Frequency Chart earlier, in order to match the high vibrational frequency of Reiki, any unresolved emotional issues stored in the energy body will come to the surface for self-healing.
What follows will be a unique experience for each individual as you heal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual unbalances in you life. You can read more about my personal experience of this here.
After about 6 months of Reiki self healing and what can be a somewhat challenging time as you release self-limiting beliefs, repair damaged relationships and embrace your wounded inner child with love, the student is attuned to Reiki Level II energy.
This is a higher vibrational frequency that allows the practitioner to perform Reiki Healing on others, both in person and through distance healing.
So as you can see, the path to healing and becoming a Spiritual Healer begins first with the self.
While the path may not always be smooth, do not be fearful of the journey.
You will be supported by your Teacher, The Universe, The Energy and your own spiritual team every step of the way.
The same is true for whichever method of healing you will choose to learn, not just Reiki – there is an infinite abundance of help available to assist you on your journey.
Become the Healer you were born to be!
If I had one parting piece of advice for you to determine if you are indeed a Spiritual Healer, it would be to believe in yourself!
You understand by now the power of healing exists within every single person on this planet. But there are few who will commit to unlocking its power.
You do not need confirmation from anyone else as to your abilities.
And if you are still unsure, then trust the inner wisdom that has guided you to this article on your quest. The millions of other people who are not questioning if they have hidden Spiritual Healing gifts will not be reading this.
You are meant to be here right now! It is not by chance. The Universe wants to confirm that the time to step into your power and bring healing to your life and others has come.
Once you choose the path of healing, be kind and gentle to yourself as you work to change long held limiting beliefs, commending yourself on your courage and dedication to change your life for the better.
Turn your ‘inner critic’ – that negative voice inside your head – into your best friend. Continuously admire your bravery for choosing to heal your life and celebrate every time you take one step further on your journey of healing.
Whichever form of Spiritual Healing or Light Work you chose to learn and practice will be right for you. Go with what you feel drawn too.
I chose Reiki or rather Reiki chose me. Now, as a Reiki Master and teacher, I help others learn this wonderful and scientifically proven method of energy healing. If you feel drawn to Reiki too, you can discover how to begin your journey here.
I send distance Reiki healing energy to you now as you read this, that you may have the courage to answer your Soul’s calling, to step into your power and use the amazing gift of healing you have been blessed with.